Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why Fashion Momma?

Having recently been inspired by my good friend, and realizing I'm basically the only person I know under the age of 60 who does not have a blog, I have decided to give it a try. Not that I really need one more thing to keep track of, but what the heck.

So, why Fashion Momma? As the mother of an 8 year old girl, I have begun to devote my life to dressing her in the trendiest threads, and keeping up on all that is fabulous in the world of an 8 year old girl. Thanks to my dear friend, who shall remain nameless, so as to avoid recrimination, I began to shop eBay a few months ago. Yes, I know, eBay has been around since the dawn of time, but it just never occurred to me to shop for my kiddo's clothes there. That is, until she declared that the ONLY jeans she would agree to wear had to have huge holes in the knees. Not the kind of holes you get after you've worn a pair of jeans until they're barely held together by a few threads. No, the kind of jeans which cost a small fortune. Yes, you must pay for this fashion. Now, I'm all for keeping up with style, but throwing down 80 smackers for a pair of shredded jeans just doesn't sit right with this momma. Call me crazy. Especially for an 8 year old. I recently went through her closet, and gave away an entire wardrobe of barely worn clothes, because she decided to grow a good 12 inches over the summer. So, I just cannot justify putting out cold hard cash in large amounts to keep her trendy for six months. But I digress.

I was faced with two choices: take out a third mortgage on the house in order to finance the new school wardrobe, or tell my daughter she couldn't have the fabulous torn, holey jeans. What's a momma to do? Talk to her friend. Now, to this friend's credit, she had mentioned (several times) that I should check out eBay, because I could find all the great kids' clothes at a fraction of the price. I just never did. Until three months ago, and life as we know it hasn't been the same since.

In a matter of days, I went from eBay virgin to crazy lady. Yes, I got carried away, and the 8, count 'em, 8 pairs of brand new, torn jeans hanging in the girl's closet are testament to my brief stint of insanity. Why in the world does my girl need 8 pairs of jeans?! Granted, if I went on a laundry strike, and trust me, I've given it serious thought, she would still have clean jeans for weeks. However, I don't see that happening anytime soon. So yes, we have the jeans, and life is good. They're a good 4 inches too long for her, but that is fine by me. Maybe we'll get 8 months' wear out of these before they find a new home...back on eBay.

So, the first installment. I promise, the next one will be more inspired.

1 comment:

  1. You made it to the blog world! And mum's the word, until you're brave enough to go public with it.

    And you know, you can actually buy WHOLE jeans on eBay -- ones that aren't nearly worn out with holes. :o) The boy still won't wear the hole-infested jeans, because he thinks they look old. This is a fashion trend that G probably won't even be able to convince him to participate in.
