Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Which Wednesday? Ash Wednesday!

I love Jesus; my family loves Jesus; my best friends love Jesus, and we celebrate His ultimate sacrifice for all of us. And this time of year, our thoughts go to that most beautiful gift of love. However, our house doesn't participate in Ash Wednesday the way other believers do. I am making no judgments either way. And I will admit that the extent of my knowledge of Ash Wednesday observation is that when you go to mass, you get the sign of the Cross on your forehead. When I was in school, it took me forever to realize that's what the black marks were on my classmates' foreheads. So in my ignorance, I would say, "Ummm, you got a little something on your face; it might be pencil lead...just lettin' ya know." And in return for my 'helpfulness', I got an, "Ummm yeah, it's Ash Wednesday, and that's the sign of the Cross (duuuhhh)." So I felt a bit silly and totally out of the loop, and that was all I knew about Ash Wednesday.

So last night, my baby girl was sitting on the couch with me when she suddenly announced, "I have to decide what I'm going to give up! That starts tomorrow!!" J looked at her as if she had two heads, but I knew exactly what she was talking about, because I had just discussed this very thing with my friend Tammy, when I picked up my girl from her house. You see, Tammy's small boy has been going to Logos Bible Study with one of his little buddies, and last week they were learning all about Ash Wednesday, and giving up things for Lent, and all those things. Naturally, the boy needed to share his newly acquired knowledge, not only with his family, but with my girl as well. He informed his father that if he would go with him to Logos, they could have dinner together, and then write their sins down on a piece of paper (showing NO ONE!), then place them at the Cross, and set them on fire. "And if you're really good, you get ash on your forehead." So the boy is jazzed for Ash Wednesday, and was encouraging his loving parents to choose what they were going to give up for Lent. My girl picked up on his excitement, and decided she needed to get in on the whole Lent thing for herself. And people, I am all about making sacrifices for God and Jesus, so long as my girl understands why she's making that sacrifice.

I tried to explain why people give things up for Lent, but I'm not sure how much sunk in, so I think we'll revisit the topic in the near future. Mostly I think the message was lost on my baby because she was going through a mental checklist of what she could give up, and carrying on a conversation with herself the whole time. Finally, she announced, "I think I'll give up video games!!" To which I replied, "Wow baby, that's impressive! I know how much you love to play those video games, so that will be a big sacrifice for you. Are you going to stick with it when you go visit Diane?" Diane is our wonderful neighbor, a retired international flight attendant, who is a hoot, and whom my daughter adores. When we get home in the afternoons, she hits the ground running, straight for Diane's front door, and she hangs there for hours, eating all sorts of yummy things, spoiling Pinkie the Cat, and playing the Wii. Naturally, I had my doubts as to the strength of my girl's resolve when faced with having to give up her Wii-ing at Diane's, but she's solid as a rock. "Well Mom, I do love my video games, but really, what else would I give up? I mean, I can't give up you and Dad, becuase you're my parents, and I love you and need you (Oh Lord, I love this child). And, I can't give up food, because I have to eat to stay healthy (She's right, she does. The girl is teeny tiny, and cannot afford to skip a meal). I could give up my bed, but then I'd just be sleeping on the floor, and probably wouldn't get very good sleep, and then I wouldn't be alert in school, and I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't want that to happen, so I need to keep my bed. And Mom, I can't give up my cats, because they're FAMILY, so that's out. So that pretty much leaves video games." People, she's nine going on 49; she is so wise. Meanwhile, J was on the other couch, silent as the grave. "Dad, what do you think you should give up?" I'm pretty sure he was pretending to sleep, rather than actually sleeping, but either way, silence. I could hear crickets in the background. Moving on then..."Mom, how about you? What would you give up?" Lord, I love my daughter, and I love the strength of her faith, but sometimes, she hits me a little too close to home. "Gee baby, I don't know. Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you."

Maybe I should give up sweets. I adore a good dessert, but they don't love me back, so that might be something I could give up. And it might benefit my waistline, in addition to my faith. But today is the day people! It's zero hour, and I haven't come up with an idea yet. I have precious few hours to make a choice, before my kiddo comes home and quizzes me. Ah, the faith of children. Time to go through my mental checklist. But I will tell you right now, Starbucks is NOT AN OPTION. Not at all. People would get hurt if I went without my venti extra hot mocha for a period of more than 36 hours. Starbucks is my weakness, and I'm pretty sure they put something 'extra' in the coffee to keep ya comin' back for more. I can't prove it of course, but still...addicting. The thing is, I am totally secure in my 'Bucks addiction, because the people I hold near and dear to my heart are equally hooked. So no one is about to hold an intervention: "We love you Fashion Momma, but your Starbucks consumption is out of control. It's taken over your life, and we're so worried about you!" And here's what I would say to them, "Physician, heal thyself!" Total non-sequitur, but it works, so deal with it. In other words, if you're living in a house of glass, you might want to put the boulder down. I'm rambling aren't I? Good grief. What was I saying? Oh, Starbucks is off the list of potential sacrifices. Went and got one this a.m. before heading to school with my daugther, to help with math centers, and while there, I decided to grab a hot drink for her principal. When we got to school, he was on crossing guard duty, so I put it on his desk. And lo! What to my eyes should appear, but another cup of the good stuff! When he cruised into the classroom later on, I let him know I was aware he was double-dosing it, and he said, "That's totally fine, because I really need it today!" Not sure I want to know what was on his horizon, but it didn't sound sunny. So I'm thinking the 'Bucks is off his sacrifice list also.

So, happy Wednesday people! I hope you're having more success with your self-sacrifice than I am.

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